Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Ben Sasse is a Cock

Ahh good old right wing pseudo-populism.  Never exactly in or ever completely out of style is it?  Never mind of course that we Nebraskans are round abouts 1/200th of all Americans, and that in as much that 'Big Government' is out of touch with us it would be for that rather obvious reason.  And of course let us not speak at all about the various form of welfare payments to already rich and powerful corporate ag interests.  They deserve it after all.  They are America, the rightful social masters that the rest of us simply live and work for.    The lobbying that they do , however successful, does therefore not truly count as 'influence peddling.'  It only counts as wasting money if it goes to strangers in the cities and on the coasts, people who we rarely if ever have to interact with and are therefore free to imagine as morally degenerate lesser beings instead of flesh and blood people they actually are. 

It will be interesting to see how far Sasse can go with what is actually a very orthodox, very 'Washington' style of Republican campaigning.  Nebraska, while conservative, his historically been a stoic and mild mannered place in the cultural sense, averse to the operatics one finds in say Texas just for example.  As conservative hegemony continues to die its many death its sad to watch us take on that embittered entitlement, rural purity kitsch, and theatric piety that has never actually been a part of who we as a more or less culturally 'Yankee' people have ever been. Ben Sasse may well be our next junior Senator, and he'd make a shitty one.  Probably nondescript but shitty all the same.


Actually, the most dangerous group of spoiled, childish thugs in Omaha, (barring of course everyone who lives west of 120th, no competing with that)  be its police department, just as it is everywhere.  Just as it is everywhere.  This is beyond despicable.


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