Thursday, April 17, 2014

One Cut for Radical Freedom

Andre Johnson, an L.A.-based, Wu-Tang Clan-affiliated rapper, jumped off a second-story balcony Wednesday morning in an apparent suicide attempt after cutting off his own penis, TMZ is reporting. 

Those who proclaim a personal god, moral absolutes or at least some form of universal human nature often present their stance as one of stern realism, when it is in fact the highest form of naivete; one that presumes a universe centered upon humans or at least one that cares about people enough to proscribe the true rules for living upon us.  The truth is that we are only more stuff that's here in the universe's eyes and it is up to only us in all our imperfections to make our own rules.  This is not mind you an inherently good thing in a "Just do your own thing Man "  but simply a matter of there being no higher and wiser authority to pass the job onto.  "Condemned to freedom' like the old continental weirdo said.

What this absence of proscribed truth might mean, among other things, is that it isn't so that every man is enthralled by his own penis.  Quick jokes about how much it would suck to get your dick injured are it is true a common way for some men to bond with other men, a means of affecting a breezy openness and familiarity among the unimaginative and dull.  I personally found such ritual joking tedious and stupid when I was only in my teens and what it says about the minds of the then 40something men who spoke this way is something that politeness leads us to ignore.  In truth it is neither fear of a damaged penis nor anything else that bonds men to each other.  Every man must face his own arbitrary fears and desires alone; and there is no abiding reason why a man should not hate his own penis to the point of actively seeking out its death. I would be so bold as to say that he shouldn't. It would fall on someone, after all, to staple the stump closed, which would probably be a negatively affecting experience on an innocent stranger. Still whether a man likes it or not he shall always have the liberty.

I like my own penis well enough myself. I can't say definitively whether I like it more than my eyes hair or feet.  In fact if I were forced to choose I would probably value it less than my collection of hats.  Unfeeling and inorganic as they are or even because of that.  I could not tell you that I feel any deep protective passion for any of the above anyhow because I don't, when push comes to shove.  Still I'll probably be masturbating after dinner and coffee and I do appreciate the ability to do so.  But that's just me. 

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